Code of Conduct
At Highland we feel strongly about upholding the highest behavioural standards by rewarding and recognizing positive behaviours and by firmly and consistently dealing with misbehaviours.
The Highland staff believes self-discipline is developed as part of a continuous learning process and is demonstrated in the ability to behave in a socially responsible manner. At Highland our students are supported in their growth toward self-discipline and their development of self-worth by a caring, orderly school atmosphere. The Highland staff encourages open and positive communication to help resolve conflict situations.
Statement of Progressive Discipline
To meet the goal of creating a safe, caring, and accepting school environment, the Waterloo Region District School Board supports the use of productive positive practices including consequences for inappropriate behaviour, including progressive discipline, which includes suspension and expulsion where necessary.
Therefore it shall be the policy of the Waterloo Region District School Board that the following actions or behaviours will not be tolerated on school property or in school-sponsored or related activities
• The use, possession or sale of alcohol or illicit drugs;
• The possession or use of weapons or items which are intended to be used as weapons;
• Any physical assault, threats of assault or intimidation;
• Any gang/youth group displaying a pattern of delinquent or disruptive activity;
• Any sexual, religious, ethno-cultural and/or racial abuse, slurs or harassment.
Therefore the following behaviours will not be tolerated at Highland:
• Smoking
• Use/sale of illicit drugs
• Bullying: Highland Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
• Intimidation
• Fighting or “play fighting”
• Vandalism
• Theft
• Verbal abuse (including swearing and racial/sexual/religious slurs)
• Repeated refusals to cooperate with staff or follow the rules of the school
Should a student choose to behave in an unacceptable fashion, staff will investigate the circumstances and discuss the inappropriate actions with the student(s).
All inappropriate behaviours will be recorded and tracked. Sometimes a pattern of poor behaviour may be indicative of a more serious problem and a referral for intervention and support may be made.
In the event of serious or ongoing misbehaviour, staff will promptly communicate with the parents of the student(s) involved so that the home may be a part of both the consequences applied and the future expectations/actions imposed upon the student.
It must be noted that attendance at off campus trips and special school events is not an automatic right, but rather a granted and earned privilege. As such, it is important to note that failure to meet behaviour and academic expectations can result in students being removed for any and all school sponsored activities.
What Are We Going To Do?
It is our intention:
1. To ensure the safety and well-being of all children at Highland School
2. To protect the learning environment of every classroom from persistent/ongoing behavioural concerns
3. To recognize and reward good behaviour at school
4. To provide opportunities for your child to learn that he/she is responsible for and in control of their behaviour
5. To let your child know that the school and parent/guardians are working together
6. To keep you informed if your child misbehaves at school and to let you know the sequence of events that will happen should the misbehaviour continue
Students are sent to the office after repeatedly disobeying progressive classroom rules or for incidents of significant or ongoing misbehaviour in the lunchrooms or playgrounds. Though most incidents will follow a standard progression of consequences, each child will be dealt with on an individual basis and each incident is investigated as thoroughly as time permits. At times mitigating circumstances will factor into consequences for certain Special Education students or students in the early grades. In all cases, consequences are at the full discretion of the school administrators and will be carefully considered.
Progressive discipline may include a range of interventions, supports and consequences when inappropriate behaviours have occurred, with a focus on improving behaviour, such as one or more of the following:
• Oral reminders
• Review of expectations
• Written work assignment
• Contact with the pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
• Detentions
• Volunteer service to the school community
• Peer mentoring
• Referral to counseling
• Conflict mediation and resolution
• Withdrawal of privileges
• Withdrawal from class
• Consultation
• Restorative practices
• In-school suspension
• Out of school suspension
• Restitution for damages
• Meeting with the pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
• Referral to a community agency
• Transfer
• Expulsion
Generally, the consequences of the misbehaviour will depend on the number of incidents that have occurred throughout the year and/or the severity of the incident. Please keep in mind that severe “Code of Conduct” behaviours may result in immediate suspension, rather than following the progression described in this document. For example, students fighting, or swearing at staff members may face a suspension regardless of incident number. In most situations under the Freedom of Information restrictions school staff members are not at liberty to discuss student behaviour incidents or consequences with parents of children other than their own.
Step #1
• Record the incident
• Counsel with Principal or Vice Principal
• Progressive discipline and consequences applied
• Note: Parents will not usually be notified at this time
Step #2
• Record the incident
• Counsel with Principal or Vice Principal
• Progressive discipline and consequences applied
• Phone call home informing parents/ guardians
Step #3
• Record the incident
• Counsel with Principal or Vice Principal
• Progressive discipline and consequences applied
• Phone call home informing parents/ guardians
• Could include ½ or full day out of the classroom
Step #4
• Record the incident
• Counsel with Principal or Vice Principal
• Progressive discipline and consequences applied
• Phone call home informing parents/ guardians
• Consequence at the discretion of the administrator
• Could include suspension from school (in-school or out of school)
• Student meeting with administrator following suspension